Import worked/confirmed DXCC in RXCLUS Database

RXCLUS is a DX-Cluster program, written by Robert CHALMAS, HB9BZA. It has personal databases for the worked/confirmed DXCC and IOTA countries. Visit his website for more information about the program.

If you would like RXCLUS to issue a visible and audible alarm each time a spot announces a country you didn't work (or didn't receive confirmation from) on the band or in the mode, you have to enter your list of worked and confirmed countries into the DXCC database. "All you have to do" is to enter for each country the status of each band and mode. This is quite a lot of work... (Source: User manual RXCLUS).

Let PROADIKON do this work for you! All you need is your log in ADIF format.

How does PROADIKON work:

PROADIKON selects the important informations from an ADIF file and updates the RXCLUS DXCC Database. PROADIKON will not damaged your DXCC database; nevertheless a backup copy of the original database is created and saved in the installation path of RXCLUS.

How to update the RXCLUS DXCC Database:

Your logs must be in ADIF format. If your Logging program can't write ADI files use PROADIKON to create them.

Before first update with PROADIKON configure the path to RXCLUS. Choose in PROADIKON Properties -> Path to RXCLUS.

Choose in PROADIKON -> Tools -> RXCLUS DXCC Database import

und choose your ADIF file.

If the country identification failed, a record will be written to an Error file. This file is stored in the application path of PROADIKON and can be viewed directly from the menu of PROADIKON (Tools -> View Error file RXCLUS DXCC import).

Not available in the current Version:

Support for satellite QSO's


Drop me a mail. I will try to find a solution.

And: Read the user manual of RXCLUS if you are not familiar with the program. Edit the DX(3)-tab in RXCLUS for a better country identification.


Be aware that you have RXCLUS 8.x installed. If you running a version earlier than RXCLUS 8.0 you should download a more recent version for best PROADIKON support.